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Trend Analysis
Power of 5 big machine tool produce trade current situation
1 United States: Manufacturing industry is in transitionThere is a kind of view now, say American manufacturing industry is ebbing. The fact is not such. American manufacturing industry is not to ebbing, be in however transition. Not...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:0 Comments:0  
Supply and demand of domestic and international 2008 iron ore and price go situa
In recent years, as the swift and violent development of Chinese iron and steel industry, increase sharply of demand of global iron ore, the dollar depreciates considerably, violent wind of commodity market all fronts rises, iron ore...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:0 Comments:0  
Do not have the research of bearing electric machinery and foreground analysis d
Jiangsu university is electric information project institute Qiu Yurui of bright red 熀 person the first power is the world that engineering college of federal of Su Li world Professor J.Hugel develops a success jointly of 4kW without...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
2008 second half of the year block the market to judge remark integratedly to wa
The breach of future of the industry that weigh card depends on overseas market. At present China is weighed in the whole world in blocking crop to distributing, occupy 22% , it is the whole world main in serious check produces base,...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:1 Comments:0  
Our country special car and its batholith develop the current situation and tren
Develop as the high speed of our country economy in recent years, auto industry achieved swift and violent progress as national pillar industry. Special car serves as the main component of auto industry, also obtained rapid developmen...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
Expert analysis: The current situation of Ⅲ diesel engine reachs the nation dev
On July 10, 2008, by Chinese car trends the net is sponsorred, inc. of machine of Guangxi jade bavin and Chinese meaning approach Ma group assist do, center of monitoring of blowdown of motor vehicle of environmental protection minist...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:3 Comments:0  
Energy-saving environmental protection develops new trend into car of our countr
Concrete pump car is the main tool that builds an industry, rent the rapid development of business as domestic concrete industry and construction machinery, and the amplification of construction dimensions and limits, plus western of...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:1 Comments:0  
Hydraulic pressure and weather strip will move toward market front 2010
"915 " during, the development of the industry such as our country agriculture, irrigation works, the sources of energy, traffic is rapidder, need the need that a large number of machinery equip to develop in order to satisfy its for...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:0 Comments:0